No evil clearance sale I WILL NOT

Got an email this morning from No Added Sugar, they are a designer clothes brand for small people and they wanted to alert me to their clearance sale, which is kind of them.

So I idly clicked the link and surfed a little, no that would be a mistake...I found £50 worth of beautiful baby clothes for the impending daughter all at hugely reduced prices, 65% off that sort of thing.

I am sad that I can't afford to buy any of these things, but honestly do we need them? No. We've been given literally bags and bags of lovely baby clothes from our childminder and I bought 6 enormous boxes of newborn - 9 month clothes for £60 from a friend.

Baby, as much as I love you, mummy is trying to reform her character and raise you in a financially stable home. I hope you won't feel impoverished or as though you're missing out, but I am only going to spend money on things for you which are affordable and necessary.


  1. Raising a child in a financially stable home is far, far, far more important than material things.As long as the baby is in clean clothes who cares about a label? I certainly didn't remember my clothes as a baby, did you? ;).

    Well done on resisting, you can do it!!

    Sadie xx

  2. I saw the most ridiculous thing yesterday - a tiny person in Ugg boots. The kid was about 3 or 4. They will grow out of them in months. Weeks even. Just stupid.
    I also don't remember what I wore when I was little. As Sadie says so long as it's clean and it fits - where's the problem? Second hand was all the rage when I was a small person - the mums on our street used to swap everything.


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