Low Low Low

Feeling low and decidedly weepy, hoping it's just my preg hormones but I feel overwhelmed today. I got a list of the paperwork I have to send to the IVA company and it looks like this:

All of these will be tricky to lay my hands on, but the ones in red are going to be a total pain in the arse and I don't know if I have the energy at the moment.

Yes I know I have to have the energy but I feel lethargic and pissed off.

1. 1 x Signed Copy of Authority to Act (Copy attached)
2. Latest credit card and/or store card statements
3. Original loan agreements and written balance of loan account
4. Latest letters from debt collection agencies/solicitors
5. Copy of Photo ID (passport; photo driving licence; official ID card)
6. Last 3 months bank statements for all accounts held by you
7. Last 3 Months wage slips
8. Copy of council tax statement
9. Copy of latest mortgage statement and a mortgage redemption statement
10. Could you advise whether you have a fixed rate mortgage or if the rate is due to change during the term of the IVA (other than standard BoE rate changes)
11. Copy of home valuation
12. Evidence of any benefits e.g. Child benefit, Tax credits
13. Evidence of child care costs
14. Copies of all insurance policies (Motor, Buildings & Contents, Pet, etc.)
15. All receipts for any petrol you use from now on
16. Copy of any pension policy together with evidence of contributions being made
17. Information relating to any endowments/shares and their surrender value
18. Details of any debts with family or friends

Meh and double meh
Oh and the consolidation loan for Dh isn't affordable so I'm not sure what we're going to do about that. He will be liable for the overdraft when the IVA kicks off, but only 60% of it which the IVA company think we can afford to pay back at £160 a month.....

I want to win the lottery, I feel numb and sad that all of this is chuffing self inflicted.
Sorry the general whiny tone, I'll be ok again tomorrow


  1. It may seem overwhelming now hun, but this is the hardest part, i'm sure in time once the initial part is sorted out it'll get a whole lot easier.

    Keep on focusing on that debt free date and imagine how relieved and proud of yourself you'll feel when that time comes. Not only that but you'll have learnt a big lesson too and a lot more about yourself.

    Best of luck, Sadie x

  2. Thanks Sadie, onwards and upwards!


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