New year new regime

I am having a tough time at the moment, the IVA looks like being a non starter and the payplan and CCCS people are all hugely busy with other new year destitute types.

I found myself revisiting some very dangerous websites yesterday and was in exactly the right frame of mind to buy a Mulberry Roxanne bag in Antique Glace Plum leather for £200...ahhh the purse forum and ebay how I miss your temptations. I didn't buy anything yesterday though unless you count my chicken slice from Greggs at lunchtime!

I feel very "at risk" in terms of my spending, so I've given DH my debit card and asked him to give me a cash allowance every week for the foreseeable future. I just don't trust myself not to have a massive splurge. If I had access to credit right now I would buy literally anything to get that brief glow of satisfaction and feeling of worth and belonging, only problem is that they charge 17.9% APR on it and the brief glow is replaced by hours of nausea and self loathing.
In another tale of changing bank account woe, it seems that my loan payment with the RBS has to come out of an RBS bank account so when I instructed the Co-op to change all my direct debits they did... Apart from this one, so this month the £254 has been taken out of the RBS account and tipped me over my £3200 overdraft. Fecking arse biscuits!

Went to see the bank today, waddled in looking every inch a 7 month pregnant lady at the end of her tether. Helpfully the branch manager has refunded the £35 charges and made an appt for me to see one of their customer service advisors tomorrow to discuss how we might repay the overdraft etc.

I'm not overly keen on this appt, as I'm fairly sure they will try and sell me on another loan or taking out home and contents insurance with them. The branch manager asked 3 times who we were insured by and said " well we can bring your premium down by at least £5 a month"
They see me as an easy sales mark and I am dreading talking to someone in a suit face to face about my financial mess. Equally the RBS will only really be interested in getting their money back and less interested in helping me get the whole sorry mess back on track.

I need to talk to payplan :(


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