paying it forward

So once again I am stunned by the kindness of strangers. A very generous blog reader has sent me a fabulous breast pump after the post where I had several moments of madness in boots. The breastfeeding issue is a sensitive one for many women, we all know it is best for out babies but for some it is difficult or even impossible. I had a breast reduction surgery in 1999 and was told then that breastfeeding wouldn't be possible for me in the future. I wasn't worried, as a single 25 yr old with no plans for babies breastfeeding seemed a world away. Skip forward to 2006 and pregnant with DD1 I was gobsmackef when my frankenboobs decided to produce colostrum! Bear in mind that these nipples have been removed from my body, reduced in size and then replaced on boobs that were 9lbs lighter and 5 inches further north on my body. I began to think that breastfeeding might be possible at least I could try and feed straight after the birth. To cut a long story short all I managed was a colostrum feed immediately after birth. Our latch was rubbish and while still in hospital DD1 was throwing up blood from the nipples she'd ravaged. There was no help available at the hospital and at 3am in tears I asked for formula. This time I want to do better, again the frankenboobs are making colostrum and I have done more reading on breastfeeding after reduction surgery. I don't imagine I'll be able to bf exclusively but if I can mix feed I'll be satisfied. The pump will help maintain supply and DH will be able to feed from a bottle, plus I'll know how much I'm producing. Oh my due date is tomorrow but no sign of the girl just yet! So to the title of my post, paying it forward, I have sent a ringsling to a lady from natural mamas who is starting a sling library and some salon hair product to someone on the Damsels forum who was looking for the cheaper alternative. It felt nice to share in the spirit of random acts of Internet kindness. No other debt news at the moment, we are just focussed on getting the new baby safely into the world. Though I am happy to report that all baby purchases have been made using cash and not credit of any type.


  1. That is amazing. I wanted to replace the boob pump but had no idea where to start, so I am glad that someone sneaked in there!
    So pleased!


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