Back from outer space

Hello again, it's been a while!

Brief update

DD2 "Lexie" born 15/3/11  she's amazing and a total joy, apart from the not sleeping thing but hey ho!

DH left his job when she was 3 weeks old, he had a breakdown and just quit with no warning. Needless to say that was a bit stressful, and didn't exactly help with the being in debt situation.

Fast forward to now

DH is a SAHD who works one day a week
I'm back at work full time but compressed into 4 days, so I do 4 ten or eleven hour shifts in a week.

We are on a DMP (debt management plan) with CCCS and if our income stays the same we will have paid it off in 4 yrs and 10 months. The budget is really strict and leaves no money for "treats", we are only one month in and already I'm pretty depressed about having to scrape by.

I remain credit card and store card free and have paid off
Marks and Spencer
Monsoon  debts which were about £1200 in total

I am still an addict however and have been backsliding a fair old bit in the last year by using paypal and purchasing (mainly) baby carriers and slings without telling DH, or telling him but lying about the cost :(

This month has been spectacularly bad and selfish, I sold a load of unused (previous addict spending) scrapbook stuff and rather than spending it on DD1's 6th birthday in 2 weeks, I spent it on a self indulgent baby carrier to make me feel popular and enviable.

I am still very shallow and weak, quelle surprise!

I've listed that carrier for sale on a facebook group for such things and will probably have to close my paypal account for safekeeping or get DH to change the password and keep it secret from me.


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