
My back is a lot better so I was able to go out at lunchtime today and have a bit of a browse in the shops for the first time this week. I was very restrained but found it a constant struggle to talk myself out of purchases.

I'm needing (yep actually needing) a new pair of flat summer sandals something like mock birkenstocks or havaiana flip flops. The problem is I'm hard on footwear, I destroy cheap shoes in a matter of weeks and so it’s a false economy to buy £6 sandals from Primark which I'll shred before the summer really arrives.
I have seen a lovely pair of white leather flat slip on mules in M+S but they are £35 and I can't afford them...so I walked straight past.
I have previously sworn off toe post sandals as I always find them very uncomfortable, in fact I remember two summers ago throwing every pair of flip flops in the house out after developing a painful blister. Allegedly havaianas are the pinnacle of flip flop comfort and longevity, a forum I frequent is currently in the grip of a hav buying craze and I am teetering on the brink of spenditude. I shall resist though, as £16 on rubber shoes that may well cripple me is not a sensible purchase.

My friend had a baby this morning and I wanted desperately to send her a mahoosive bunch of flowers as I'd done for her first DD..but we can't afford to and so I've bought a modest outfit for baby from M+S. I worry that she'll read something into the crap level of gift, that I am jealous she's had her second before I have, that we're not as close as we used to be... Hang on, both those things are true!

I do wish I could have spent more money on her though


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