
Today I am sorely tempted to stray from the path of nonspenditude. About 6 weeks ago at the start of my latest binge I ordered 2 bedside tables from a UK catalogue company (littlewoods) for £69 each. Today they were delivered while we were at work. I had been meaning to cancel the order and got as far as ringing littlewoods on Tuesday but the call centre must have been on lunch because a nice recorded message told me to try later. So cancelling slipped my mind and here they are in all their flatpack glory.

I have to call Littlewoods and get a collection number and then ring the shipping company and arrange a collection and I would much rather just keep them! I'm rationalising like a mad woman:
" the money has already left the bank"
" we need new bedside drawers" ---we totally do!
"£69 is a very good price and you have been looking for nice bedside drawers for ages" ---the past 8 years actually!

But the cold, hard, inescapable truth is that we can't afford them, they have been paid for with overdraft money, which belongs to the bank and they will charge me about 17% interest.

I'll make the call tomorrow. The call centre is closed now.

A sale tempted me today too, Marks and Spencer (damn their eyes) are having a mid season sale and I want to buy shoes. A colleague was sharing her purchases at lunch and it was almost satisfying to admire, congratulate her and then walk in the opposite direction from the siren call of sensible shoes on sale. It was almost satisfying, but it wasn't as satisfying as buying some shoes and showing them off....until now, how odd. I'm getting pleasure from sharing my willpower and nonspend with you. That has to be a first, I can feel good about resisting temptation.

My Dad is coming for the weekend and I am undecided as to sharing my new regime with him. We're very close and he has previously confessed to a spending/ budgeting problem of his own when he was first married about 40 years ago, but I worry about his reaction. I think if he were judgemental or disappointed I'd get upset and I don't especially want to be upset.
Maybe I'll keep it under my hat for now. I have a brilliantly supportive DH and an excellent best friend helping me and that's enough for now.

Not spending an hour at a time, baby steps to recovery.


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