Buying kids clothes

So it's been a week and no word from the IVA people, I will give them a nudge on Monday or Tuesday. I'm also in the process of changing my bank account over to a co-op cashminder account, fingers crossed all the direct debits go through with no issues, the bank have been managing all of that for me. I'm a bit concerned that my direct debits will be set up before my wages are paid in, but I'll have to trust that they have their timescales correct.

In pregnancy news we have found out that bump is another girl and we are over the moon! However, I'm feeling slightly stupid for having got rid of the vast majority of DD1's clothing:( Still DD2 is due in March when it will still be chilly and DD1 was born in the very hot summer of 2006, so I'm consoling myself with the fact that most of her early baby clothes would be in the wrong season IYKWIM.

I have bought 3 big bags of baby clothes from a friend whose daughter was born last April, 170 something items for £60. She's on the unpaid section of her Mat leave and felt awkward charging me, but as she had already listed them on ebay and less than 50p is good value per item I consulted with Dh and he approved the purchase.

DD1 has just had a massive growth spurt and after an embarrasing drop off at the childminders where we realised her t shirt and trousers were both too short for her ( the shame!) both Dh and I agreed that we had to buy her some new clothes. so Yesterday we spent £120 on new clothes and pjs for her! Dh came with me and if I'm honest we spent more together than I would have alone BUT the difference is that this will be her entire winter wardrobe as opposed to me spending £20 on a lunchtime on random clothes that will add up to more that £120 over the course of the winter.

I haven't bought any clothes for me (other than ebay) or any cosmetics since my naughty elf spree last month so that's good.

Waiting to here on the IVA is stressful, it's always in the back of my mind so I need to talk to them and find out where we're at.
More soon!


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