worse times

AUGH! Blimmin bank and their blimmin switching service have majorly cocked up.
I went into branch to check what was happening ( I think I blogged about it) and they told me 18 Nov was switching day so I dutifully bunged across enough money on the 16th to cover the months bills. So imagine my rage and irritation to find a letter from my new bank saying that my gas, electric, council tax, mortgage, credit card and water payments have all been refused and I 've been charged £19:50 for each returned payment.

That's £120 in bank charges that I really can't afford and shouldn't be liable for, talk about a rubbish start to our banking relationship :(

The direct debits were presented on the 15th and 16th of November but before I put the money across on the 16th, and definitely before the switching date of the 18th which I even went into branch to confirm.

I rang the bank at 18:30 and they told me the switching dept closed at 16:00, so I tried to calm down and had my tea, then I thought I 'd log onto the digital banking service to see how it was going and my password wouldn't work ARGH, phoned internet banking and they reset my password and confirmed that yes the switching people were the only ones who could help with all my returned direct debit issues and then said " they're open 8 til 8 so you've just missed them"

I now have to have a rubbish night's sleep because I am stressed to the eyeballs about this whole mess and will have returned payments and nasty letters from the various companies wanting their money.

FFS, I know it's only a minor blip and that fingers crossed I can get the charges taken off the account and I know that the IVA is going to have a far worse effect on my credit rating than one dodgy month of bungled payments but I have a pathological fear of red bills, they make me cry, seriously.

Could do with some reassurance please brave followers, tell me it's going to be ok?

And I bought some second hand reusable nappies for £33 :( cheaper than disposables and better for the planet but I didn't check with DH first and that my friends is a slippery slippery slope.


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