Useful day

Today I posted the ebay thing I sold for £52, made a loss of £4 on the p+p, I'm too lazy to weigh stuff at home and use the online price generator. Lesson learned there, I must be more on the ball with charging correct postage.

Also made calls to day to get some more of the IVA needed paperwork sent to us, 3 months bank statements, cat insurance, loan redemption figure and mortgage statements. Could take 10 working days for them to arrive, but it feels proactive to have made those calls and not buried my head in the sand.

Trying to get an estate agent through the door is a proving a little trickier, but am sure persistance will pay off.

I'm on the countdown to our holiday, we're off to Centre Parcs for a week next week. Paid for out of "real" money a couple of months ago, I had a big ebay sell and used the cash to pay for the hols. We have some money put aside for holiday spends and will also use the money that we're saving by not using the childminder that week too.
So a guilt free holiday hopefully!!

Tonight is leftover roast dinner pie which is an adapted version of this recipe by Jamie Oliver
I always feel frugal and virtuous when I manage to make a roast chicken last 3 days worth of dinners, my Home Economics teaching Grandma would be proud :)


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