
I made a start today trying to collate all the paperwork the IVA people want, this involved going through the expandable box file which is supposed to be a neat filing solution for all our paperwork.


Needless to say it was a total shambles, but I did find it quite cathartic to sort out what we need to keep and what can be shredded. I've probably got 2/3rds of the required paperwork and will need to call the bank and my cat insurance company(!) to get the rest. I also need to get the house valued just in case a re-mortgage is necessary in year 4 of the IVA, so will be blagging an estate agent on Monday.

We went out for lunch today at Chiquitos, which was a treat I think because I blubbed all over DH last night before falling asleep on him at 10:15pm...pregnancy is sooo attractive ;)

After lunch we looked at pushchairs for the new baby, DH is firm that we need a new one and is equally firm that we'll buy it in the January sales. Old me would plan to buy an aspirational brand and lash it on the credit card and then lie about what it cost (still tempting to be honest).But I shall be strong and will get something more modest than the Stokke Xplory which makes my heart sing

An Xplory would probably look a bit daft on the number 77 bus anyhow.

Onward and upward dear readers, each day is a battle to not buy rubbish that I really don't need. Today I didn't buy a copy of Elle magazine which had a free Clinique lipgloss, as Elle if full of adverts for even more shiny things which I can't afford.
I also sold something on ebay for £52 so that's useful too, I'll put in the overdraft account I think, unless I leave it in paypal and use it for Xmas shopping?


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