Things I bought and the kindness of strangers

After my little brain purge on the subject of things I want but can't have, a truly amazing thing happened. A perfect stranger who doesn't know me from Eve offered to send me a barely used tube of Liz Earle Cleans + Polish. Well bugger me there are kind people in the world!
To say I'm touched is a mahoosive understatement, I may even have had a little cry.
Thank you again perfect stranger :)

My resolve soared to a new height this evening when I opened the post and handed over a perfectly gorgeous unused pristine M+S chargecard to DH and asked him to cut it up. I didn't freeze it as I've defrosted my plastic before now when in the grip of a buying frenzy, I didn't get him to keep it in his wallet as I've snuck in there before for plastic that I'd asked him to keep out of my paws. I have done some truly shameful things in order to maintain my spendability which is why I know I'm a recovering addict and not just a spoiled tart with impulse control issues!

The M+S card represented a worry free Xmas, I could buy a load of gifts and food bung them on a card and forget about it til February. I'm really trying to make a change and live honestly without crapping myself when the post arrives.

I did however buy the girl a new T shirt £5 and new winter coat £17 in my lunch hour but both were paid for with actual cash as opposed to any sort of credit which is ok, the winter coat is actually needful too as it was decidedly parky here this morning. The t shirt is mainly just very cute and has a squirrel on it.

I've also made a list of people to buy presents for and if we spend £15 max on close friends and family it still comes to £270 +£20 on in law aunts and uncles £290 and then £100 on the girl because we always go bonkers and can't help ourselves = £390 Holy Handbag that's a lot of cash! Just as well we have that £600 in the savings account.

I know we should probably spend less on our daughter, but she is too easy to buy for and is v impressed by a dressing up costume and a pair of sparkly shoes. I'll try and keep it to £75 but honestly Dh is worse than me when it comes to buying for the girl.
This will be our first Christmas without spending on any sort of credit card, we'll still have a brilliant time :)


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