Back from hols and the paperwork is in the post

So, back from a week in Centre Parcs and we had a great time. I was a pillar of restraint in the Aqua Sana shop after my birthday present treatment of a "mum to be oily rubdown and facial". In years gone by I would have fallen for the therapist recommendations hook , line and sinker and bought £50 worth of product...but I did not!

Been home for a week and have made progress with the IVA, it's been nearly a month since I made the call to see if we'd be eligible! Finally I have all the paperwork together including the house valuation (worth a smidgen more than it was 5 years go) and I posted it all off today. Hopefully the IVA will be on the way to being agreed by Christmas, and fingers crossed it will be in place by March when the small person arrives.

I bought some Christmas presents today in the Sainsbury's half price toy event, it was bedlam in there but I got good bargains for my niece and nephew. I also got a couple of Disney DVDs for DD1 as they were on BOGOF, so they can form part of her festive haul!

I am noticing that I resent spending money on frivolous stuff, and therefore making fewer spontaneous purchases of pointless stuff, which is pretty bloody amazing really. I haven't bought a women's glossy magazine in months, I have bought a couple of cookery magazines but as they get incorporated into the kitchen bookshelf I consider them better value ;)

It is totally gutting when I work out that if I'd not been an over spender for the last 17 years we could be living in a much bigger house, or I could be working part time as £600 a month wouldn't be spent servicing bloody debts!! I really hope that at 36 I'm young enough to still make this a permanent lifestyle change and enjoy the financial benefits.


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