Is this bonkers?

If DH were to consolidate he'd rather get a loan fron his current bank the HSBC, but as I'm a joint account holder this could be jeopardised by my (hopefully) imminent IVA.

In order to consolidate and keep his financial footprint seperate from mine, we might take my name off the joint HSBC account into which his wages (our spending money) is paid. This would leave me with no access to cash other than asking him for money at the start of each week.

I'm honestly not that bothered, I do trust that he won't run away and leave me penniless and honestly there's a small part of me that would almost be relieved to not have any access to cash or credit and therefore temptation.

My wages would still be paid into the new Co-op account, but that would strictly be for bills only.

What do you think? Is it bonkers to pass control of all our spending money to DH? Should my inner feminist be freaking out?

Obviously we'd have the same amount of spending money but I just won't be able to access cash on a whim. In 5 years when the IVA is done and dusted and I'm a habitual non spender and reformed shopaholic then I could start up my own bank account with debit card etc.

He's as beholden to me for our bills to be paid everymonth, as my wages (which are larger) cover the bulk of our household overheads bar groceries and petrol.

Any thoughts?


  1. Personally, I think it's a good idea. It will make you think twice before asking him for any money, or maybe your he could give you some money each week?

    I think it's a workable option.


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