
Such an uphill struggle at the moment.

we haven't heard anymore yet from the IVA company, but I'm trying to not to worry unduly. The adviser thought we were a strong case so I'll just have to let them do their paperwork and come back to us with a proposal or not...

Spending has been ok, bought some maternity tights from New Look in the sale £1 and a dress and a pair of black cord trousers from Ebay for a grand total of £13, again from the paypal balance. I do actually need maternity clothes, as I charity shopped all from my last pregnancy because I never thought we would have another child (pnd, a whole other blogs worth of material!).

I have another item on ebay at the moment which *should* bring in about £40 all being well.
I've paid a cheque for £130 into the overdraft from Hell rather than into our "spending money" account, so that is pretty positive.

Need to start thinking about a budget for Christmas, we had a windfall of £600 from Dh's ex employers so at the moment that is waiting quietly in the savings account and will hopefully cover the vast majority of our festive spending.

I'm still not doing well enough though, the elf cosmetics were a failure and I feel guilty and a bit sick when I think about them. I know when they arrive I feel giddy and excited though which is the nub of the whole problem.


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